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Tasmanian Conservation Trust Cat Survey

@TasConservation: Cat Containment Survey

Dear TCT supporter
The state government has proposed amending the Cat Management Act 2009 to make it compulsory for pet cats to be contained on their owner’s property. The Tasmanian Conservation Trust wants to know how likely Tasmanian cat owners and non-owners are to support such a proposal. And we would like your ideas for how we might increase support for the compulsory confinement.
Please consider completing our on-line survey- you can choose to be anonymous. Survey closes at the 12 midnight on 25 November 2016.
Please forward this email to your friends. 
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Any inquiries regarding the survey please contact Peter McGlone at Email: or Mobile: 0406 380 545
Thanks so much
Heather Cassidy
Office Administration 
Tasmanian Conservation Trust Inc
Level 2, 191 Liverpool St, Hobart 7000
Phone:+61 3 6234 3552

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Tasmanian Conservation Trust Inc
2nd Floor
191 Liverpool Street
Hobart, Tasmania 7000
